

More and more often these days, I can catch myself when I’m being mean or say something out of anger. For example, “You need to look at some of the positives rather than focusing on a couple of negatives.” Then I think somebody actually needed to hear that. I turn inward and direct it to the individual that really had to hear it: me. I pause. I rediscover gentleness in my approach with others and myself. I remind myself to breathe, close my eyes, and imagine great things. I change the story into something positive and incorporate those thoughts into my being. Where there ceases to be a problem, there is no longer a solution to seek. I vibrate higher.

As we move along, we notice other people and other things in our external environments. Much of it beautiful and inspiring. Other parts destructive, irritating, or painful. The people in our lives and the situations we encounter are often reflections of our inner being. Chances to tackle our own shadows. In all the people that cross my path, I often see myself in bits and pieces. Maybe part of my past. Possibly a glimpse into the future. Or a replica of the here and now.

Becoming aware of the blind spots in others and understanding how those unappealing traits act as a mirror for our own fault lines allow us to take some of the first baby steps. Steps in changing the only person we have the capacity to change: ourselves. The journey always begins within. When we take a look in there, we discover our true authentic selves. In our lives, each one of us is the main character. The leading role. Progress isn’t made by standing in line waiting. It’s made when we take a step forward.

We often live within the confines of story lines that we ourselves wrote into existence ages ago. They don’t make all that much sense. The pain and agony is self-inflicted. Yet we play the role. Over and over again we play the role. We live in a world that is constantly changing. We have no control over the seasons or when the day lengthens or shortens. Yet we deny the natural progression of changing ourselves. The stories we tell ourselves can save or destroy us. We can stop giving power to the negativity. We can stop paying attention. We can change the channel and tune into another frequency. Those people that annoyed you or situations that consistently brought you down? They take up less space in your life or fall away completely. We own the copyright to design our lives as we see fit.

If life here on earth was already perfect, we would never strive for anything else. Something better. Something we already own within. When we cast a new spell with our words and thoughts, beautiful moments and incredible experiences become the norm. When we begin to treat ourselves well and with respect, we naturally treat others the same. We radiate joy. We radiate happiness. We radiate love. Like attracts like. Reflections become purer. Lovely and interesting individuals begin to enter your life all the time.

Our life is a message gifted to the world. Make it a good one. You alone can change the characters. You alone can change the plot. Start writing a chapter that you’re really going to enjoy. What seems impossible today becomes possible tomorrow. Is it going to happen one day? Or is today going to be day one?